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In order to browse the web using your PSP, you will need a copy of Wipeout Pure. The easiest way to browse the internet is by setting up your DNS settings in your PSP to point to a custom DNS server

To set up your DNS, go to your PSP home menu and then "Network Settings"

Then, make sure you select "Infrastructure Mode". Select your active connection or if you don't have one, just select the "-New Connection-". As you navigate the various settings available using the navigation button, use the settings below:

SSID You should know this value. If you don't, ask your network admin or just press "Scan"
Address Settings Custom
IP Address Setting Automatic

(However, if you are dialing to your own broadband account, it should be PPPoE. In most cases, Automatic is enough)

DNS Setting Manual
Primary DNS Here, enter

Secondary DNS Your network admin should provide you with this info.

Finally, just save your settings.

Fire up Wipeout Pure and go to "Downloads", you should now see a simple portal fugimax has created for us.

Set up the PSP for browsing for PSP Web Sites portal.

If you like, you can also point your browser PSP Web Sites. You will be able to set up you personal link pages and save you the hassle of typing the link. Keep in mind however, your links are publicly accessible and everyone will know your favorite sites.

  • Go to Network Settings
  • Select your connection (or make a new one)
  • Scroll through to Address Settings and select Custom
  • Scroll through to DNS Setting and select Manual
  • Set your Primary DNS to
  • Continue through and save your settings

You're done! Now just load up Wipeout Pure , go to Downloads and you'll see the portal page. You can now surf the 'net from your PSP.

Here is what the Setting List should look like for your connection:

IP Address: Automatic
Subnet Mask: Automatic
Default Router: Automatic
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
Proxy Server: Do Not Use

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